Aromar Revi
Urban at heart of Sustainable Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals are expiring and need to be replaced with a new set of globally applicable and locally implementable Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. Climate Change negotiations are stalled and need a more determined and pragmatic approach if run-away impacts are to be avoided. It is clear that a different economic, social and human development path must be established to ensure greater sustainability and inclusion of all citizens into productive economic life and well-being. Cities and regions across the world provide the opportunity to do this.
Wednesday 05.11.2014
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Aromar Revi is the Director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), India’s first prospective National University for Research and Innovation to address challenges of urbanisation through an integrated programme of education, research, consulting and advisory services. He has been a senior advisor to various ministries of the Government of India, and has consulted with a wide range of UN, multilateral, bilateral development and private sector institutions. He works on economic, environmental and social change at global, regional and urban scales. Aromar has led over a hundred major research, consulting and implementation assignments in India and abroad. He has helped structure, design and review development investments in excess of $4 billion. In additon to involvement in multiple international projects in half a dozen countries, he has worked on three of the world’s ten largest cities, and with communities across twenty-five of India’s twenty-eight states. He is also one of South Asia’s leading disaster mitigation and management experts and has led emergency teams to assess, plan and execute recovery and rehabilitation programmes for ten major earthquake, cyclone, surge and flood events affecting over five million people. Aromar is considered a leading expert on Global Environmental Change especially on Climate Change adaptation and mitigation. He is one of the Coordinating Lead Authors for the Urban Areas section of the IPCC 5th Assessment report (2014).