Nick Moon

Social business reducing poverty in Africa

Nick Moon, award-winning supporter of African entrepreneurship spoke about market based approaches to poverty reduction, food security, economic empowerment and climate change. Kapuscinski lecture in Cyprus on 16th January 2013.

Wednesday 16.01.2013

Effective pursuing of sustainable development globally requires both political high-level agreements and practical implementation on the ground. Nick Moon takes care of the latter. As a co-founder of the KickStart International initiative, he promotes simple, cost-effective tools and solutions which increase agricultural productivity in Africa. Moon proves that social economy can bring benefits and effectively lift people out of extreme poverty through triggering their entrepreneurship rather than giving aid.


KickStart is an award-winning non-profit social enterprise, listed by Forbes Magazine as one of the world’s Top 30 Social Enterprises. KickStart has to date enabled over 135,000 “base of the pyramid” entrepreneurs to invest in and build successful rural family enterprises, taking over 670,000 people out of poverty, providing an additional 210,000 on-farm jobs, and generating $130 million annually in net profits and new household incomes.

Organized in partnership with:

Nick Moon has lived permanently in Kenya since 1982, building up 30 years experience working for economic equity and social justice in Africa. He is the co-founder of the award-winning social enterprise KickStart International and Executive Chairman of Wanda Organic, a start-up for profit social enterprise founded by daughter Marion Moon bringing the latest ‘breakthrough’ soil and plant health solutions to African farmers. Moon is a Schwab Foundation for Social Enterprise awardee and member of the World Economic Forum, and a Skoll Award for Social Enterprise fellow.

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